Due diligence

Exercising the utmost discretion and confidentiality, we provide a broad range of due diligence services to support decision-making

Providing timely, informed insight

Whether a client is entering into a corporate transaction, new partnership or litigation proceedings, our due diligence work supports informed decision-making at every stage. Using a clear methodology, we draw on open and privileged human sources to present the most complete picture possible. We serve both end clients and intermediaries like international law firms, underlining the quality of our network.


Integrity due diligence
Litigation support
Asset tracing
Influence mapping
Corporate investigations

Work done

Since our foundation, we have completed over 560 projects. These include reports on businesses of all sizes across the spectrum of sectors; litigation support in international arbitration and other major cases; and multi-jurisdictional enquiries regarding operational matters.

A client engaged us to conduct an enquiry into the ownership and operational control of a company listed on a major exchange. In its early history, there had been a shareholder dispute, which was later settled in court. The main objective was to evaluate the current ownership and day-to-day activities from the local perspective. We conducted discreet enquiries among sources on the ground, giving a nuanced understanding of the situation in the local context. We then compared our findings with the information disclosed for regulatory purposes, creating as complete a picture as possible.

A client commissioned us to conduct enhanced due diligence on an FSU company ahead of a possible investment by a multilateral organisation. Through careful research and enquiries among trusted sources, we created a comprehensive profile of the history, ownership, management, connections, reputation and causes for concern. This ultimately helped to make the appropriate commercial decision.